Thinking you have to figure out this business growth stuff all by yourself??

No way!

Growing your business

shouldn't feel like riding a

Roller Coaster

We are here to help you create a clear and easy system

that delivers predicable revenue month-after-month.

No more guesswork!

The Next Unstoppable Business Momentum

Group Starts September 13, 2023

Hey, is this you?

Never knowing where you will find your next client is getting old:

I get it, you've done all the "right things", created your program, put up a web site, started posting on social media. You've gotten some traction, but certainly not enough.

You may have even bought a few (or more) "quick fix" do it yourself courses thinking they would have the magic answers on how to find more clients.

But alas, still not getting traction . . .

Are you ready to get off the struggle bus?


Confused about WHO your REAL client is, what they want and how to talk to them in a way that moves them to doing business with you


Tired of worrying about charging too much, or worse yet, not charging as much as you deserve


Done cyber-stalking your competition to find out what they are posting and what kind of engagement they are getting


Self-conscious about wearing the

aroma of sales flop sweat - it's a THING!

Clients can smell the lack of confidence

even over Zoom....

Don't worry! I've got you covered

When I first started supporting online biz owners in growing their business, I thought that all they needed to know was HOW I HAD DONE IT! Come on, it worked for me, why WOULDN'T it work for them??

But that isn't always the case because you are completely different from me AND the next person I coached was, yet again, unique in their own way!

OF COURSE a one-size-fits-all biz growth solutions will NEVER be the answer for you (or anyone)!


We will guide you every step of the way to create a kick-butt system that will produce predictable results month-after-month, year-after-year!

Together, during this 8-week, guided experience we will transform your business and give you a repeatable process to create more clients and more cash.


What's included M in the Experience?

Always know what to say

The Messaging Formula

You will have answers to these questions:

What does my ideal client look like?

What do they want?

Why don't they have it?

What would they find valuable?

What are they hoping to become?

You will be guided to create:

  • Your brand story following Donald Miller's Story Brand framework

  • Your complete Messaging Blueprint to pull from to create all of your content

  • Clear and compelling content so you show up consistently without stress

Make offers no one can refuse

the Offer Formula

You will have answers to these questions:

What the heck should I be offering?

How much should I charge?

What will make it irresistible?

Should I do a group program, one-to-one, or membership?

Walk away with:

  • A clearly defined core offer that will sell like crazy

  • An Offer Blueprint that leads the client step- by-step through solving all their problems

  • Rock-solid pricing you will be confident in

Move from "Hello" to "Hell YEs!"

The Marketing Formula

You will have answers to these questions:

Where do my ideal fit clients hang out?

How can I get my message in front of them?

How do I get engagement?

How often do I say what, and where?

Easily develop:

  • A complete Marketing Communication Blueprint so you show up and draw in people who need you most

  • Know how to plan your content so it aligns with your offers

  • A framework you can hand off to your VA or marketing specialist

know who your next clients will be

The pipeline Formula

You will have answers to these questions:

How will I fill my calendar next month?

Where will my revenue come from?

What should I do to follow up with my best-fit prospects?

How do I avoid feeling pushy?

Peace of mind is all yours:

There is a comfort in knowing who your next high-ticket clients will be. This is possible for you!

  • Identify and nurture your "hot" and warm leads

  • Know how to nurture the relationship to the point they are comfortable committing to you

  • Forecast your revenue with precision and accuracy

never feel sleazy again

the Sales Formula

You will have answers to these questions:

How can I make my conversations flow better?

What are the best questions to ask?

Can I ever NOT feel awkward when I start to make the offer?

How do I overcome objections and get to yes more often?

Never dread another sales conversation:

  • More confidence than you've ever had before in navigating those critical moments of a sales conversation

  • A completed Sales Conversation Blueprint and Sales Page Blueprint so you never feel lost in how to move gracefully through the sales conversations

  • Clear path to overcoming objections and hesitations

It Feels So Good Getting to Yes Faster

Susan's promise that you'll "get to yes faster" couldn't be more true! I would also add that you will get there with more ease and confidence. Susan's coaching has helped me move from being a frazzled, stressed, and overwhelmed business owner to being excited, organized, and confident that my services are really valuable and people want to buy them!

Kirsten richardson

BeWell Physio

Imagine how confident you will feel with a rock solid,

repeatable Revenue Success System . . .

A Calendar FULL of clients you love to work with

No more hiding from your bank accouNt! Cash in the bank

The pride that comes from achieving your Goals and more

What does it feel like to finally get off the revenue roller coaster?

Imagine the feeling you had the last time someone said yes to buying something from you.....

Now imagine feeling that over and over and over again WITHOUT long periods of drought in between

It feels like a BIG fat sigh of relief!!


Imagine not avoiding opening

up your online banking app anymore


Imagine having a waiting list that is booking out to next year


Imagine the feeling of pride and accomplishment when you tell people you love that your business is exploding

you will never have to...

  • Shoot in the dark when creating sales or marketing content

  • Wonder if someone thinks your offer is "kind of expensive"

  • Hesitate before opening your email worried that a response to your proposal isn't there

Don't you want Help building your .....

Here's what's in store for you:

8 week guided experience with susan as your coach

Lifetime access in a private learning portal to core concepts of all 4 formulas

Message formula

offer formula

marketing formula

sales formula

4 bi-weekly live learning workshops where you are introduced to the insider secrets to building a system your business will thrive on for years to come.

On-Going Support as you Tailor the Business Momentum Formulas so they work perfectly for your business.

4 bi-weekly live “Ask Us Anything!” calls where you not only can Get your questions answered, but also learn from others in the group as they get coached. We know from experience some of the best a-ha’s come from other people’s questions.

completed unstoppable momentum roadmap including Blueprints for all 4 core FORMUlas so you can use your system year-after-year

replays to all events available for life

Get Started today for just $297 down

plus two remaining payments of $297

On my way to becoming a content creation machine

I feel like having my Messaging Blueprint in my back pocket makes writing content so much faster and easier! My conversion rates have gone sky high and sales has become something I enjoy rather than avoid!!

Marybeth Coswald

A good coach helps you keep moving your business forward

I really get a lot from our work together and I so appreciated you taking the time to work through the smallest of details to help me articulate my vision. Our sessions motivate me to keep moving forward with urgency. That’s what good business coach is all about and I’m glad you’re my coach!

Leslie Williams

The value doesn't stop there, you'll ALSO get

Three Amazing bonuses if

you say YES Before August 31st.


7 day free trial of

Business Made Simple University

an "MBA iN a BOX"!

Plus 50% off if you decide to join

Donald Miller of StoryBrand fame shares all kinds of important business intel:

How to be a leader

How to create your mission statement

How to create your Brandscript

Cash flow tips & tricks


Unstoppable Mindset

Management Course

Relieve yourself of imposter syndrome once and for all as you learn the steps to resetting your sales mindset and make sales your new BFF



Brainstorming Session

Prior to the beginning of Business Momentum, join Susan for a Bonus Brainstorming Session to fine tune your ONE BIG IDEA Content Blueprint. This session is only available to attendees of the One Big Idea Workshop!

but don't wait!

The Bonuses are only available until

August 31st


The 100% SatisfactionGuarantee

If you do not see the value of this program before the end of week 2, your money will be refunded with no questions asked!


Our Frequently asked questions

What if I am brand new to my business?

This program is perfect for beginners if you have a good idea of who you help, the problem that you solve, and a somewhat clear idea of how you will work with them. We can help you get clear on all of this, but if you don't have any idea on these things, it may be too early.

What if I've been in business awhile but am stalled?

This program is perfect for business who have NOT been growing or if you are making a shift and need to work through the details.

What makes this program different?

The Business Momentum Program is very unique because you will NOT be implementing a "canned" approach. You will be supported step by step as you create your repeatable system that will become your North Star for revenue growth.

How much time does it take during the 8 weeks to complete the work?

You will need to budget about 4 hours each week to 1) soak up the concepts thru video, 2) complete your worksheets, 3) show up to the bi-weekly labs to receive coaching and clarify your plan.

If you've gotten this far, I know you need what Unstoppable Business Momentum offers.

Reach out to me if you have any questions or hesitations. Use the link below to schedule a quick chat!

But Hurry! Seating is limited.

Schedule a conversation

This is the best decision you can ever make for your business


wonder where your next client will be coming from

question your pricing -- is it too high, is it too low?

feel confused about what to say and where to say it

wonder how you are going to make your revenue goals for the year

worry about whether or not you will say the "right things" on sales calls

Get Started today for just $297 down

plus two remaining payments of $297


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